搜索 Tamanna

  • 剧情片
    A comedy centered around three people who each have a lookalike of a lookalike, all with the same name.@www.molikan.com
  • A doctor in a village redeems himself after losing his way.
  • 男主人公Siddharth(Siddu)在众人面前是个讨人喜欢的开心果,但在人后的他却夹在已离婚的父母之间里外不是人,而女主角Geeta却刚好相反有个疼她入骨的父亲。在这二个不同的家庭环境下成长的二人,由陌生到熟悉进而想携手共渡人生,当然啦,事情並不是那么简单就能成功的,还有一连串需要二人共同努力达成的目标.....
  • Cameraman Gangatho Rambabu (Telugu: కెమెరామెన్ గంగతో రాంబాబు) is a 2012 Telugu film written and directed by Puri Jagannath. The film stars Pawan Kalyan and Tamanna in the lead roles and was launched in Hyderabad on March 14, 2012…
  • 迪瓦(苏利耶)是苏达斯的兄弟,但他们情同父子,他们从事走私行业盗版影碟、黄金、钻石但决不走私毒品,各行各业中都有竞争对手,卡玛莱什的父亲曾是走私行业中的佼佼者,卡玛莱什一心想要夺回第一下手十分毒辣。在一次新电影光碟盗版走私中,卡玛莱什的手下被抓光盘也被海关查收,而迪瓦走私的盗版光盘顺利出关。于是卡玛莱什就通知了警方,警…
  • In the pre-civil war American south, Emanuelle, a plantation owner's daughter, while outwardly a dainty southern belle, brutally abuses the slaves in her charge. When her fiance is bitten by a snake, he falls for Emanuelle's beautiful African-American maid who's kindness and skill saved his life. Insanely jealous, Eman…
  • Happy Days is an adaptation of Samuel Beckett's challenging absurdist drama, a play most would deem unfilmable. Faithfully adhering to Beckett's minimalist original, a black parody of love, marriage, and our search for meaning in an unfathomable universe, the piece consists of but two pathetic characters. One, wife Win…
  • Seems the white race just isn't superior enough for those nasty Nazis. In a secret SS Love Camp, ghastly experiments are being conducted to create a new super race. Amidst the touture and rape, a weeet-n-tender Nazi named Helmut falls in love with one of the lovely test subjects. But it doesn't end there, word gets out…
  • 有一个男孩痴恋丝丽尼缇,虽然丝丽尼缇对男孩也有好感却无法接受他,这段感情该何去何从?2012年,生为法国大使的女儿的斯拉瓦蒂总是在梦中遇见一个看不清样貌的男人,斯拉瓦蒂由于父亲的职业地位不得自由,开始乘着父亲出差离家出走……千里之外的印度海德拉巴,一个名叫拉姆的年轻人桀骜不驯叛逆非凡,他的父亲想法设法把他送去巴黎,两人有会…