- 通过司法考试预备考试,20岁就成为律师,在大型法律事务所就职的白泽真实(滨边美波)虽然法律知识很扎实,但因为不懂世故和顽固的头脑,无法让他工作。有一天,事务所的前辈律师负责了行李箱案件…。委托人绵贯依里子虽然受到了大型建筑公司的名门子弟的性损害,但由于金钱和权力的关系,事实被扭曲,被迫忍气吞声。无法忍耐的依里子决定委托在…
- This is a 43 min video presentation, the text can be read here http://the-simulon.blogspot.ca/ the information concerns a very important global issue of today on the subject of techno-cybernetic control of governments and society that is responsible for a great number of technologically unrelated global issues such as …
- Tensions between classes and genres, national and international, popular and formal, color and black and white, figurative and abstract revive the eternal discussion between opposites that the imaginary cronopios and famas represent.