搜索 Toompere

  • Teenage Mari is sent to an orphanage. It's an awful and unfriendly place to be. But soon two rival leading boys both show up their interest against the girl. Which one should she fall in love with, the good or the bad one ? Unbelivable realistic picture of an orphanage-life in Soviet Union is given. Good acting.
  • A young man who was trying to commit suicide is brought to the hospital in a small Estonian town. The guy could not survive the terrible blow of fate - figuratively speaking, at the most crucial moment for the young lover, our hero turned out to be untenable. One of the hospital nurses, sparing the unfortunate young ma…
  • 影片是一部政治讽刺喜剧片,同时融合了惊悚元素。Aadu是一名政客,被揭发出腐败受贿的传闻,为了逃避记者的穷追不舍,他决定和妻子逃到野外去,去森林采蘑菇。在那里他遇到了一名行为古怪的摇滚吉他手以及其他形形色色的采蘑菇者。渐渐,他们发现这片森林有着诡异的地方……
  • 人生的中途,我来到了暗黑森林。一句但丁的《神曲》掀开序幕。我是否一个好人?位高权重的中年男子托尼由一个道德疑问开始,渐渐跟现实脱轨。他被迫炒掉一千个雇员,目睹妻子偷情,在树林发现一堆断手。满以为艳舞场工作的俄罗斯美女是救星,却杀出精灵般的神秘人,给他两条路选择:要不做顺民安度余生,要不当反叛者不得好死。托尼选择了后者。…