搜索 Towns

  • 蒙兀儿帝国统治印度长达三百多年,建造世界奇观泰杰默哈陵的便是其帝王之一。十六世纪时蒙古人成吉思汗及帖木儿的后裔巴贝尔为扩张其领土,不断南进,一一征服了当时富裕而丰饶的印度,不但完成他个人的美梦,更在此奠定了庞大帝国的基础。然而象徵财富的印度免不了受到野心者的觊觎,在十九世纪时遭到大英帝国的蚕食鲸吞,如此富足的帝国也成为…
  • In the 19th century, siblings Abilene and Tod, orphaned on their western farm, become attracted to each other, sexually. The confused Tod fleas to a nearby town where he meets Linda, a local bar girl, and begins a sexual relationship with her, while a rough cowboy, named Rawhide, sexually assaults Abilene leading Tod w…
  • A group of "wannabe" witches plan to take revenge on a man that did them wrong and do a spell on him. So they seek special items from a powerful witch that runs a local magic shop in town. While they are getting their cards read, a kid named Zak steals a couple of items including a comic book featuring crazy …
  • Plot:Cameron是一个有通灵的警察,他被叫去给一个年轻人做笔录,希望找到年轻人失踪的同志伴侣。他发现这件事和一个住在荒弃山脚的神秘英俊男子有关。Cameron发现自己卷入性、酒精与毒品的森林,他的感觉不再准确。在神秘人的蛊惑下,他一步步陷入迷离的夜色里...Cameron, a Police Officer with psychic abilities, i…
  • 15 year old Brendan Willy hates himself for being un-cool when he falls in love with the girl of his dreams. Enter Mr. Five, a no good tempter from hell, which in his last attempt to ensnare a soul before being fried for eternity, transforms Brendan into the coolest kid in Indiana, only to find out that this contract i…
  • 奇怪生物
    澳洲同志影展参展作品   关係疏远的兄弟Nate和Ged不禁要放下宿怨而遵照母亲遗愿将其骨灰撒在小镇家乡。在灵车穿州过省时,他俩都因为过去酿成的麻烦和Ged的自毁行为而又一次陷入痛苦的回忆当中。当连串不幸事件发生而令他们的行程生变时,Nate意识到纪念母亲的唯一方法就是面对那些分离他们的鬼魂。在面对共同历史的痛苦真相时,兄弟俩最终可…
  • 动漫动画
    这是一部经典的美国的动画片。一天,一家工厂泄漏的有毒化学物质流到了纽约市的地下水道,这些化学物质令到四只平凡的小海龟发生了基因突变,变成了像人一样能站立行走的人形海龟,他们分别是米开朗基罗、达芬奇、拉斐尔和多纳泰罗,而一位忍术了得的日本忍者斯普林特也因为接触到这些物质而 变成了一只人形的老鼠。海龟们拜斯普林特为师傅,学…
  • 海外剧剧情
    重启版讲述Amerie成了哈特利高中的贱民,还和自己的死党Harper公开闹翻了。在新朋友Quinni和Darren的帮助下,Amerie必须修复自己的名誉,一路上还得找到正确的方法去面对爱、性和心碎。原剧是1993年澳大利亚电影《伤心小孩 The Heartbreak Kid》的衍生剧,讲述一群青少年在高中的成长故事,探讨青春期、浪漫关系、种族歧视、毒品、无家可归、青…
  • 纪录片
    Where did we come from? What makes us human? An explosion of recent discoveries sheds light on these questions, and NOVA's comprehensive, three-part special, "Becoming Human," examines what the latest scientific research reveals about our hominid relatives.Part 1, "First Steps," examines the factors…
  • 欧美剧喜剧