搜索 Towns

  • Kolchak and his partner, Perri, investigate his wife's mysterious murder and end up uncovering something much more disturbing...
  • 本片帶領觀眾進入日本「寶塚歌劇團」的世界。紀錄女子學校招生以及培養女學生成為日本人心目中「完美的女性」的訓練過程。訪談與精彩紀錄片互相辯證,暴露傳統教育裡養成「女性特質」的荒謬與刻板印象。
  • The storyline hinges on the rivalry between a struggling, near bankrupt young trainer, Aidan Doherty, (Conor Mullen), and his millionaire neighbour, Charlie Carrick (Stanley Townsend), who - together with his wife Yolanda (Lorraine Pilkington) - owns the successful 'Firebrand' yard, up the road. When the series opens, …
  • On October 29th, 1999, The Who gave an awesome and historic concert at the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas...one night only!
  • Devon (James Townsend) seems to be your typical high-school teenager. He is from a successful family, has a loving girlfriend willing to take their relationship to the next level, and is at the top of his graduating class. Nevertheless, things aren't exactly what they seem. Overcome with the realizations of his hidden …
  • 故事梗概:上世纪七十年代末,刚刚从大学毕业的约瑟夫被父亲推荐到家族工厂中工作,这让约瑟夫那几个同父异母的哥哥心中感到不安,他们很担心父亲将来会把家族产业交给这个小弟弟,于是合伙将约瑟夫绑架。哥哥们将约瑟夫送到一家地下工厂做杂工,他一直想要找机会逃离这里,但老板弗兰克却异常凶恶,他扬言如果约瑟夫从工厂逃走,就会去找约瑟夫…
  • 2012年,第三次世界大战结束,战争没有获胜者。但是双方的化学战争导致30亿人死亡,幸存下来的98%的男性都没有生育能力,人类繁殖必须通过克隆来完成,第一次克隆在2012年12月开始,并且非常成功。可是没想到19年后,一场巨大的灾难发生了……
  • Leah将女朋友Pearl领回家,且向母亲Julie介绍了女票。母亲总觉得pearl怪怪的,但是具体说不上来哪里奇怪。Pearl向Leah坦白了自己的真实身份——自己是吸血鬼......   该重制版也是为了纪念1996年的经典版Mother May I Sleep With Danger发行20周年,当时的女主Tori Spelling在新版中饰演了母亲Julie。Lifetime将于今年…
  • 由Rod Holcomb导演执导,讲述联邦调查局特工维尼代号4587,受上司指派,打入黑帮内部。他英勇机智,很快就得到黑帮头目桑尼的赏识,联邦调察员弗兰克与维尼紧密配合,将他们一网打尽的故事。金球奖(Golden Globe) 1990Best Performance by an Actor in a TV-Series - Drama 肯·沃尔Best Performance by an A…