搜索 Trinity

  • 动漫动画
    春日新(松冈祯丞 配音)是一名平凡的少年,某日,一场意外让他和堂妹春日圣(诹访彩花 配音)一同被卷入了通往异世界的漩涡之中,在混乱中,新和圣失散了。为了找到圣,两人一同回到原来的世界中去,新追寻着种种线索进入了王立书册学院成为了那里的一名转校生。性格严谨彬彬有礼的浅见莉莉斯(原由实 配音)、擅长暗杀拥有超强行动力的风间莱…
  • 动漫少女
    《圣魔之血》原著名《Trinity Blood》,是日本作家吉田直在《The Sneaker》杂志连载之巴洛克风奇幻小说,内容环绕在“大灾难”造成文明毁灭的遥远未来。  故事的舞台在未来的欧洲大陆。混乱的世界,神和魔鬼是世界的两个极端,他们相距人类很近,两者却有着天差地别的能力。圣堂的新神父亚伯·奈特罗德(Able Nightrord),看似一幅迷…
  • UnholyTrinity
    The Wild West in the 1870s: The convicted Isaac Broadway is about to be hanged. Just before his death, he shouts to his son Henry, urging him to kill the man who framed him for a crime he didn’t commit. Determined to carry out his father’s last wish, Henry travels to the remote town of Trinity, where he witnesses a sho…
  • 女摔人生第六季
    WWE首款真人秀节目《Total Divas》(中文译名《E门女将》)已在美国开播!这档节目主要记录WWE女子选手在光鲜艺人生活背后的辛苦工作和旅行日程,以及在竞争激烈的职业生涯中并不为人知的故事。
  • 女摔人生第五季
    WWE首款真人秀节目《Total Divas》(中文译名《E门女将》)已在美国开播!这档节目主要记录WWE女子选手在光鲜艺人生活背后的辛苦工作和旅行日程,以及在竞争激烈的职业生涯中并不为人知的故事。
  • A young boy gets lost somewhere in between imagination and reality. His greed threatens to be the end of him as he stumbles upon a creature lurking in his attic.
  • Sweeping away stigma - tackling mental health issues through film. Bess Lavigne is a gifted curler who doesn't curl competitively, because of an anxiety disorder she's been afflicted with since childhood, and, who ultimately finds redemption while coaching four down-and-out women struggling with their own issues.
  • Chris has come to the shop with his dad to spend his pocketmoney- his heart set on getting a boncy ball. But when he gets to the toy aisle, he soon discovers that all of the balls in the ball cage are bright pink… except for one deflated green ball.
  • 剧情片剧情
    在边远山区一个少数民族部落里。镇宝龙珠是他们民族传世的图腾,看得比生命还重要。不料,宝物被人盗走。并传说有一“国际神偷”在幕后策划。为追回失去的图腾信物,热血青年孟雷、文领会同国际文物保护组织的督察一起,历经艰险,几经周折,终于揭开了“国际神偷”之谜。 原来,这一切都是暴富的族人帕西设计的阴谋。孟雷以其高超的武功和宽阔…
  • 两位天使被送回地球,为人类提供一些性满足。