- The story of a five year old little rebellious girl Vitka with her teenage cousin Larysa and her boyfriend, the young criminal Scar unfolds in a Ukrainian provincial setting. Larysa finds herself at a crossroads after the death of her father. Yearning to be self made, the village community ostracizes her for loving Sca…
- 里约特别警察行动在一次平复监狱暴动的行动中吃了大亏,伤了元气。队长纳西门托虽然平步青云,但也因为这次事件的影响受到了牵连。这时候,一场大规模的政治斗争在巴西的土地上燃烧开来,上至总统贵族,下至贩夫走卒,统统都受到了影响。不仅仅是警察局、连军队和特别警察部门都惹了麻烦。不过,对于纳西门托来说,他不仅有外患,而且还有内忧。…