- A group of five individuals are placed under extreme circumstances, testing their limits of their resolve. They must work together on common objectives and complete common goals, and common challenges.
- The queen really wants a baby, but the king has other interests. When her pleas to St. Kryspin for one go unanswered, she turns to the devil. A deal with him soon brings her a little girl, who is looked after by young Št pán, the son of the Queen's chamber-maid. Št pán and the princess gradually fall in love with each …
- 9月1日,开学的第一天,对一些人来说是第一天,对一些人来说是最后一年。一年级的gonzik和他的监护人,他称她为鼻子,口齿不宁,九年级的学生radim dokleb,老师们在任何情况下都保持着精神和幽默感。上世纪80年代,捷克斯洛伐克有关于友谊和爱、老师、父母和孩子的学校故事。