搜索 Trueman

  •   When their stolen jetski's break down a group of spring breakers come under attack by a great white shark.
  • Oh dear! - Poor Toad has been kidnapped. The blighter has been strung up and incarcerated in the cellars of Toad Hall, whilst an imposter has taken up residence on the Riverbank. And worse still, this scallywag has made friends with those dastardly weasels and they're hatching a plan to blow up the homes of Badger, Rat…
  • When Jamie shines his Magic Torch on the floor of his bedroom a hole appears, leading Jamie and Wordsworth the sheepdog to the psychedelic fantasy world of Cuckooland.Runtime:10 min (39 episodes)
  • 怪鸭历险记第一季
    在位于特兰斯瓦尼亚某座山顶的一桩阴森古堡内,生活着令周围居民毛骨悚然、谈之色变的传奇人物,他就是著名的吸血怪鸭达寇拉伯爵(戴维·杰森 David Jason 配音)。这个几乎拥有不死之身的怪物一度是所有人的噩梦,可是某天不知道什么原因,达寇拉竟然变成一个不爱吸血、崇尚素食且胆小怯懦的小贵族。阴森狰狞的老管家雨果(杰克·梅伊 Jac…