- 在民国初年,在偏僻落后的村落 — 平安谷内,男尊女卑的封建思想下,女人一直被男人欺压。一对受了西方思想熏陶的夫妻,返回平安谷,想改变、建设家乡,可惜遇到新旧思想的冲击,困难重重,还被卷入神秘的幽灵新娘杀人事件、绑架及凶杀案中,原来背后有一班被男权压迫、欺凌的女子,她们暗中结盟,进行复仇行动。
- In 1912, five beautiful easy women are kidnapped and the efficient Inspector Tanner, who is engaged of Wanda Bronsky, is assigned to the case. The responsible for the abductions is Dr. Orloff, a former prison doctor, and his deformed assistant Morpho Lodner, who was a prisoner sentenced to death and revived by Dr. Orlo…