搜索 VyacheslavTikhonov
共找到“4”个结果In explanation of the early works of Anton Chekhov • Ot nechego delat Director: Sergei Solovyov • Nervy Director: Alexander Shein • Mstitel Director: Andrei Ladynin • Predlozheniye Director: Sergei Solovyov
娜塔莉亚(尼娜·缅希科娃 Nina Menshikova 饰)是刚刚从师范大学里毕业的社会新鲜人,怀揣着教书育人的崇高理想,她回到了曾经培育过她的母校工作,成为了那里的一名教师。在学校里,娜塔莉亚和曾经教过自己的男老师梅尔尼科夫(维亚切斯拉夫·吉洪诺夫 Vyacheslav Tikhonov 饰)重逢了。梅尔尼科夫是一位非常严肃的男人,做事一板一眼,对所有…
The 500,000 strong Napoleon's army moves through Russia and causes much destruction culminating in the battle of Borodino. The Russian army has to retreat. Moscow is occupied, looted and burned down, but soon Napoleon loses control and has to flee. Both sides suffer tremendous losses in the war, and Russian society is …