- Martians invade earth using bacteria-proof suits to takeover. Humans must figure out how to defeat them.
- It s two days before graduation, and Jack is having serious doubts about the future. The old gang is breaking up - Rob is moving to L.A. with his girlfriend; Dennis is finishing his third degree and going to grad school in Michigan; Slosh has dropped out of school and stays drunk all the time; and Mickey, who still has…
- 这场实况是罗比在英国颇具盛名的演奏厅「皇家亚伯厅」花费心思的梦想实现演出,整个演奏厅布置的彷佛是50年代豪华的舞厅,红磨坊式的炫丽灯光、大编制的乐队加上让人赏心悦目的女舞群,十足表现出罗比想要向50年代光辉致敬的心意。在演唱会中,他在58人的乐团伴奏下,演唱了一首接一首的经典爵士,摇滚和小酒馆歌曲,这位被许为伦敦的摇滚乐之王…