- 格萝妮娅是作恶多端的黑帮老大的女儿,被父亲安排进入娱乐圈当明星,无奈星路失败,过着行尸走肉般的生活。父亲为了在激烈的帮派斗争中巩固自己的黑帮地位,自作主张将女儿嫁给自己最大的威胁对象菲奥纳,不料女儿却有一个疯狂的计划。
- The plane of the American pilot has got lost in time. The pilot has got to an era of the nice king Artur. Here he is fated to meet legendary knights of the Round table and artful to Morgan - the king's sister, beautiful Sandie and the wise Wizard. He should appear in tatters of the slave and in knightly armor, to becom…