搜索 meng

  • What begins as a night filled with nostalgic happiness, transforms into something much more sinister, as the daylight begins to fade. And as the sunset casts a shadow on the neighborhood, it provides and ideal backdrop for he who roams it's alleys.
  • 妮娜收到的礼物从她的孩子,在调情营摩洛哥。在那里,在罗曼蒂克酒店,自封为“调情”专家麦克和Katya教寂寞的客户如何调情的方式完美的伙伴关系。其中一个是妮娜的前夫hajo。而他们的老伤口立即打开,其他四人都忙着学习如何处理与异性的关系。妮娜不知道hajo在这里一个秘密任务,他法律公司:迈克和Katya欺骗了他们的一个客户出一大笔钱,他想…
  • 蔚蓝的天空,是父亲留给小女孩唯一遗产。在安宁的日子里,大朵大朵的云彩如万马奔腾,在远空行进。绿草茵茵的山坡上方,女孩操控着父亲生前用过的滑翔翼划过风的缝隙。虽然栽倒在地,全见不到半点沮丧的神情,她享受这份快意与自由。这一天,远处森林有什么东西引起了女孩的注意,她跑了过去,发现森林中央停着一架出了故障的飞机。面无表情的飞…
  • Aitana, Pierrick, Rita and Jorge are all in their twenties and all look for ways to make their nights in the city of Madrid a little less lonely. Set against a background of drugs, sex, multiple partners and different sexualities: four stories told without no borders between fiction and reality. First Feature Film.
  • The Sagrada Família in Barcelona is a unique and fascinating building project by a brilliant, formerly controversial genius, Antoni Gaudi, with an army of workers, a history with many highs and lows and a myriad of questions raised. The bi…
  • 剧情片
  • Eva Mozes Kor, who survived Josef Mengele's cruel twin experiments in the Auschwitz concentration camp, shocks other Holocaust survivors when she decides to forgive the perpetrators as a way of self-healing.