- Radio singer Glory Eden is publicized as the ideal of American womanhood, in order to sell the sponsor's product Ippsie-Wippsie Washcloths. In reality, Glory would like to at least sample booze, jazz, gambling, and men. When the strain of representing "purity" brings her to rebellion, the sponsor and his nutt…
- Au Ve siècle, la ville d’Aquilée, près de Rome, est mise à sac par le terrible Attila et ses Huns. Odabella, fille du chef de la cité, a échappé au massacre de toute sa famille et tient tête au barbare. Impressionné par sa beauté et son…
- The film depicts The first flaming signs of love in The human life. The characters are all ten years old and attend The same hockey and figure skating club in a small village set among The Italian Alps. The theft of a medal will trigger an adventurous escape to Moscow, where our six main characters will learn The first…