- 4 Short films of 4 stories of the main characters named 'i' who are on their different path of L G B T. They are unique in their own way, in love and feel differently. No matter what is waiting for them at the end of their paths, at least, they have decided to be 'i' in the way that they are.
- 《陰陽魔界》(英語:The Twilight Zone)是美國1959年至1964年期間推出的半小時電視影集(期間第四季一度改為每集一小時),為黑白攝製,內容以怪誕、神祕主義和警世為主,每集均為互無關聯的獨立單元小故事,全五季共156集。本片也曾有許多當年尚名不見經傳,日後成為好萊塢一線巨星的演員參與各集的演出(如勞勃·瑞福、保羅·紐曼、威廉·席…
- Take a mind-blowing journey through human history, told through six iconic objects that modern people take for granted, and see how science, invention, and technology built on one another to change everything.