- "Rhinoceros Eyes" is a darkly humorous coming-of-age tale about Chep (Michael Pitt) a reclusive young man, who gets comfort from the movies and his vivid imagination. When Fran, (Paige Turco) walks into the prop house where he lives looking for unusual objects, Chep immediately develops a crush. Obsessed with…
- 踏入二千年以来,Madonna这位已「女人四十」的流行音乐天后似乎有一种愈战愈勇之势。2005年,Madonna在出版过一张以Future Disco为大前提的Confessions On A Dance Floor专辑(也是其第十张专辑)、重拾她的Dancing Queen / Queen Of Clubland姿态后,再引伸出是两款她的DVD录像出品:先是为其04年Reinvention Tour拍摄的纪…
- Talented amateur actor Chad Schmidt relocates to 1980s Los Angeles in hopes of being discovered. Problem is, he bares an uncanny resemblance to Brad Pitt, whose star is ascending -- turning Schmidt into a punchline and not a star.