- 电视动画《辉夜大小姐想让我告白》宣布新作动画《辉夜大小姐想让我告白 初吻不会结束》(かぐや様は告らせたい -ファーストキッスは終わらない-)将在电视播出前在电影院进行先行上映!数日前发售的动画杂志《Newtype》最新号独家刊载了相关资讯,详情待后续发表。
- 某艺术大学的美术系学生艾拉(顾莉雅 饰)已经大四,是系里不可多得的灵魂人物。在一次辩论赛中,艾拉带领着同系好友吴婷婷(叶青青 饰)、苏露露(王仲欣 饰)等一路过关斩将,重创劲敌音乐系。音乐 系的大龙(龙飞 饰)、二龙(龙泽 饰)、富二代路人丁(丁汀 饰)以及旁听生三强不 甘就这样被几个黄毛丫头给打败,几个人找到才华横溢的康林(…
- In April 2020, 19-year-old Adil was killed when his motor scooter collided with a police car in the Cureghem quarter of Brussels. He had been attempting to evade a Covid check during the pandemic. The acquittal of the two officers responsible for the chase prompted riots. The neighborhood was left angry and grieving, w…
- His mother starts drinking when he is eight years old. Jan Koester projects photos from his childhood on his own body that tell of loneliness and helplessness in toxic relationships. These Rorschach-like superimposed images put physical abstractions in relation to their violent and alienated surroundings. Shifting betw…