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  • 剧情片剧情
    故事开始于1962年的一个早晨,一位名为纸月(吴琴琴 饰)的女孩走进了油麻地小学的校门,成为了这里的转学生,她的到来吸引了校长桑乔(杜源 饰)之子桑桑(曹丹 饰)的注意。为了能够接近纸月,桑桑做了一系列惹人注目的蠢事,最终落得了令人啼笑皆非的下场。\r\n  学校的文艺汇演即将拉开序幕,美丽的纸月名正言顺的成为了女主角,桑桑本以…
  • 泰国剧剧情
    SomPoei是一部兰纳风格的电影,专门为了东北地区打造\r\n  阿欢 一位颠覆西北女性规规矩矩,有条不紊的形象,是一个直来直去,敢爱敢恨,时刻准备为爱冲刺的女子。她代表着如今的那些觉得现在已经过了那个要隐瞒自己的情感,等着爱情找上门,最终变成年老色衰的老处女的时代的女孩。
  • 剧情片剧情
    A heartfelt coming of age story of two small town high school star athletes from vastly different backgrounds who vie for the love of the same girl and find there's way more to life than just winning. Based on real events.
  • 动漫动画
    该剧改编自日本电视剧《不需要爱情的夏天》。\r\n  这也是宋慧乔第二次与金圭泰导演和卢熙京作家合作。\r\n  赌徒吴树(赵寅成 饰)生活在充斥着金钱和欲望的扑克牌世界里,过着华丽无比的生活,每天晚上除了扑克就是跟女人和酒在一起。因一次意外身负数十亿韩元的债务,于是将目光投向富家女吴英(宋慧乔 饰)。吴英作为大企业唯一的继承人,…
  • 喜剧片剧情
  • 夏日完结
  • We Cannot Live Under that Flag
    A few weeks after his troubled arrival in Italy, a group of Afghan refugees talks about the disorientation and difficulties encountered in having to change their lives so quickly by abandoning their land and loved ones. The interviewees, in the darkness of a theater, try to let themselves go in front of the camera and …
  • We are Alitalia - History of a Country that No Longer Knows
    Quattro giovani autori devono scrivere una docufiction sulla chiusura della compagnia aerea Alitalia. Nessuno di loro, però, è in grado di capire nulla delle complesse questioni aziendali ed economiche che hanno portato a questo risultato.…
  • The One That Got Away
    It may seem like an impossible feat to track down The One That Got Away, but for these lucky singles, that dream becomes a reality. In this time-traveling, experimental dating series hosted by singer/songwriter Betty Who, six people searching for their soulmates are given the chance to explore a lifetime of missed conn…