  • 美丽交易

  • 主演:a group of czech women
  • 状态:BD
  • 导演:Erika,Hníková
  • 类型:少女
  • 简介:捷克号称“东欧的美女天堂”,看看捷克美女是怎么批量“制造”出来的吧,呵呵,这部纪录片很有意义,其中能了解到捷克普通女性对美的看法和社会上对美女标准的认知,而两者之间的差异让越来越多的捷克少女沉浸在对美丽的追求中,痛并快乐着。Documentary. Zeny pro meny is a tragicomic tale of ordinary women who are influenced by and try to reach Czech society's ideals of beauty. It's also a film about the people who create this ideal and about the money that the "beauty cult" generates.An entertaining but disturbing snapshot of Czech womanhood at the turn of the 21st century, Zeny pro meny is an impressive piece of work.As an attack on the beauty industry - cosmetics, dieting, plastic surgery, modelling and women's magazines are all in the firing line - the film never quite lands a knockout blow, but it certainly leaves its target a little battered and bruised. (If nothing else, Zeny pro meny's gruesome cosmetic surgery footage will put most people who see the film off ever getting a boob job.)What impresses most about the movie, though, is its broad scope - the time and effort that Hníková has put into assembling a range of subjects with interesting tales to tell or strong views to advance.An accountant, a pop star (Dara Rolins), a Skoda assembly line worker, a group of schoolgirls, the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan, a group of young anarcho-feminists and a future contestant on US reality TV show The Next Joe Millionaire (Karolína Chudá) all share screen time in Hníková's film, creating a fascinatingly bizarre and often very funny cross-section of Czech womanhood.

简介:捷克号称“东欧的美女天堂”,看看捷克美女是怎么批量“制造”出来的吧,呵呵,这部纪录片很有意义,其中能了解到捷克普通女性对美的看法和社会上对美女标准的认知,而两者之间的差异让越来越多的捷克少女沉浸在对美丽的追求中,痛并快乐着。Documentary. Zeny pro meny is a tragicomic tale of ordinary women who are influenced by and try to reach Czech society's ideals of beauty. It's also a film about the people who create this ideal and about the money that the "beauty cult" generates.An entertaining but disturbing snapshot of Czech womanhood at the turn of the 21st century, Zeny pro meny is an impressive piece of work.As an attack on the beauty industry - cosmetics, dieting, plastic surgery, modelling and women's magazines are all in the firing line - the film never quite lands a knockout blow, but it certainly leaves its target a little battered and bruised. (If nothing else, Zeny pro meny's gruesome cosmetic surgery footage will put most people who see the film off ever getting a boob job.)What impresses most about the movie, though, is its broad scope - the time and effort that Hníková has put into assembling a range of subjects with interesting tales to tell or strong views to advance.An accountant, a pop star (Dara Rolins), a Skoda assembly line worker, a group of schoolgirls, the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan, a group of young anarcho-feminists and a future contestant on US reality TV show The Next Joe Millionaire (Karolína Chudá) all share screen time in Hníková's film, creating a fascinatingly bizarre and often very funny cross-section of Czech womanhood.


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