简介:Stanislaw Lenartowicz是波兰电影学院派中另一位重要的导演,这部影片改编自孔维茨基比较悔涩难懂的一本小说,混合了先锋电影的一些剪辑手法,与诗意社会写实主义风格的影像。I have to admit that I know the real story behind the interview with Stanislaw Lenartowicz conducted by Adam Wyzynski (Zawsze trzeba byc soba – You Should Always be Yourself). The film director is reluctant to give interviews that are to be published in the press – he expresses his mistrust towards journalists through the act of refusal. Despite his rich work consisting of 22 feature films, especially "Zimowy zmierzch" (Winter Twilight, 1957), which was avant-garde compared to socialist realist poetics of the time, Lenartowicz does not exist in theoretical and critical film discussions – a price for his circumspection. An elderly gentleman (he belongs to the generation of the young Polish intelligentsia at the time of the Nazi occupation) retired from his profession after the announcement of martial law.
简介:Stanislaw Lenartowicz是波兰电影学院派中另一位重要的导演,这部影片改编自孔维茨基比较悔涩难懂的一本小说,混合了先锋电影的一些剪辑手法,与诗意社会写实主义风格的影像。I have to admit that I know the real story behind the interview with Stanislaw Lenartowicz conducted by Adam Wyzynski (Zawsze trzeba byc soba – You Should Always be Yourself). The film director is reluctant to give interviews that are to be published in the press – he expresses his mistrust towards journalists through the act of refusal. Despite his rich work consisting of 22 feature films, especially "Zimowy zmierzch" (Winter Twilight, 1957), which was avant-garde compared to socialist realist poetics of the time, Lenartowicz does not exist in theoretical and critical film discussions – a price for his circumspection. An elderly gentleman (he belongs to the generation of the young Polish intelligentsia at the time of the Nazi occupation) retired from his profession after the announcement of martial law.