  • 最后的地球传说

  • 主演:Slawomir Grzymkowski Natalia Sztabinska Igor Sztabinski
  • 状态:BD
  • 导演:Magdalena,Seweryn,Igor,Połaniewicz
  • 类型:青春
  • 简介:本片讲述了一位父亲带着两个孩子在末日后的世界努力求生的故 事。然而,一个“来自外部”的神秘信号唯独被青春期的女儿看 到了。它成为了他们探索新世界的契机和动力。The Last Tale About Earth is a story of a father and two of his children, who try to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. A mysteri- ous signal ‘from the outside’, seen only by the growing up girl, becomes their motivation to face what hides beyond their known world.

简介:本片讲述了一位父亲带着两个孩子在末日后的世界努力求生的故 事。然而,一个“来自外部”的神秘信号唯独被青春期的女儿看 到了。它成为了他们探索新世界的契机和动力。The Last Tale About Earth is a story of a father and two of his children, who try to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. A mysteri- ous signal ‘from the outside’, seen only by the growing up girl, becomes their motivation to face what hides beyond their known world.