  • 只眼织梦

  • 主演:Sylvia Burnstein Katherine Yu Alina Burnstein Jenny Wang
  • 状态:BD
  • 导演:吴雅文
  • 简介:自闭症温柔地合上了15岁女孩Sylvia的一只眼,却赋予了她一只能捕捉世人常忽略的美的眼眸。她所见的世界虽暗藏阴霾,却也五彩斑斓,虽有惆怅嘲讽,却也充满无私的爱。她笔触下描绘出的独眼角色象征着她的喜怒哀乐。虽只一眼,万般皆见,梦里寻己,灿若星河。"Dream With One Eye Open" is an impressionistic portrait of an autistic girl who creates an artistic world populated with one-eyed characters through whom she expresses her joys and her tears.

简介:自闭症温柔地合上了15岁女孩Sylvia的一只眼,却赋予了她一只能捕捉世人常忽略的美的眼眸。她所见的世界虽暗藏阴霾,却也五彩斑斓,虽有惆怅嘲讽,却也充满无私的爱。她笔触下描绘出的独眼角色象征着她的喜怒哀乐。虽只一眼,万般皆见,梦里寻己,灿若星河。"Dream With One Eye Open" is an impressionistic portrait of an autistic girl who creates an artistic world populated with one-eyed characters through whom she expresses her joys and her tears.