  • 听/藏域来风

  • 状态:BD
  • 导演:赵丰怡
  • 类型:生活
  • 简介:在广袤无垠的青藏高原腹地玉树,藏域圣地“念经湖”边居住着一户牧民,夏季他们逐水草而居,与牦牛为伴,怡然自得,日子过的平淡却也惬意。突如其来的降雪阻塞了进山的唯一要道,所有的车辆都已无法正常通行。牦牛和人过冬的物资还没储备完毕,若不设法解决,牧民家将蒙受巨大的经济损失。在矛盾之中,他们将会如何解决生活的困境?In Yushu, the vast hinterland of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and by the Tibetan Holy Land "Nianjing Lake", there is a herdsman. In summer, they live by water and grass, with yaks as companions. They live a simple but comfortable life. The sudden snowfall blocked the only way into the mountain, and all the vehicles were unable to pass normally. Yak and human winter supplies have not been fully reserved, if not solved, herdsmen will suffer huge economic losses. In the contradiction, how will they solve the dilemma of life?

简介:在广袤无垠的青藏高原腹地玉树,藏域圣地“念经湖”边居住着一户牧民,夏季他们逐水草而居,与牦牛为伴,怡然自得,日子过的平淡却也惬意。突如其来的降雪阻塞了进山的唯一要道,所有的车辆都已无法正常通行。牦牛和人过冬的物资还没储备完毕,若不设法解决,牧民家将蒙受巨大的经济损失。在矛盾之中,他们将会如何解决生活的困境?In Yushu, the vast hinterland of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, and by the Tibetan Holy Land "Nianjing Lake", there is a herdsman. In summer, they live by water and grass, with yaks as companions. They live a simple but comfortable life. The sudden snowfall blocked the only way into the mountain, and all the vehicles were unable to pass normally. Yak and human winter supplies have not been fully reserved, if not solved, herdsmen will suffer huge economic losses. In the contradiction, how will they solve the dilemma of life?


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