简介:伊朗导演Khosro Masumi99年的作品,他2004年曾带新作《代价》参加第七届上海国际电影节并获得最佳影片金爵奖。1955年出生,毕业于电影电视艺术学院,1976年起涉足电影业。80年代后期,执导了一系列短片和电影。 短片:《长街故事》,《童年》 正片:《做客》,《灰色年代》,《市长先生》,《夜航程》,《寂静之声》,《迷恋》,《飞羽》,《代价》。Born in Behshahr in 1955, Khosro Masumi is a graduate from the College of Dramatic Arts in cinema and television. He started work in cinema in 1976 and in the early 1980s, after graduating, he continued directing some short and feature films. He has earlier made features like The Visit, Leaden Times, Mister Mayor, Night Journey, Silence of the Sound, The Enamoured, Feather of Flight.
简介:伊朗导演Khosro Masumi99年的作品,他2004年曾带新作《代价》参加第七届上海国际电影节并获得最佳影片金爵奖。1955年出生,毕业于电影电视艺术学院,1976年起涉足电影业。80年代后期,执导了一系列短片和电影。 短片:《长街故事》,《童年》 正片:《做客》,《灰色年代》,《市长先生》,《夜航程》,《寂静之声》,《迷恋》,《飞羽》,《代价》。Born in Behshahr in 1955, Khosro Masumi is a graduate from the College of Dramatic Arts in cinema and television. He started work in cinema in 1976 and in the early 1980s, after graduating, he continued directing some short and feature films. He has earlier made features like The Visit, Leaden Times, Mister Mayor, Night Journey, Silence of the Sound, The Enamoured, Feather of Flight.