简介:有时候,人们会在毫不自知的情况下做出导致灾难性后果的事。 混沌理论认为,在一个稳态运行的系统中,一个小小的变量往往 会引发剧烈的变化,并将这一状态称为“分歧点”。在日常生活 中,“分歧点”可以是那些命运发生突变的时刻:一个恶作剧便 这样成为了二十出头的阿尔乔姆和深谙世事的老警探各自生活中 的“分歧点”。Often, we, without knowing it, commit actions, which leads to unexpected and, at times, catastrophic consequences. Chaos theory assumes that the bifurcation point is a state of the system where the smallest impact can lead to a drastic changes in the steady-state mode of operation. In our life, this is a moment or a point of fracture, which radically changes our destiny. The prank became for the main characters of the movie - twenty-year-old Artem and the wise experienced police officer - their personal ‘bifurcation point’.
简介:有时候,人们会在毫不自知的情况下做出导致灾难性后果的事。 混沌理论认为,在一个稳态运行的系统中,一个小小的变量往往 会引发剧烈的变化,并将这一状态称为“分歧点”。在日常生活 中,“分歧点”可以是那些命运发生突变的时刻:一个恶作剧便 这样成为了二十出头的阿尔乔姆和深谙世事的老警探各自生活中 的“分歧点”。Often, we, without knowing it, commit actions, which leads to unexpected and, at times, catastrophic consequences. Chaos theory assumes that the bifurcation point is a state of the system where the smallest impact can lead to a drastic changes in the steady-state mode of operation. In our life, this is a moment or a point of fracture, which radically changes our destiny. The prank became for the main characters of the movie - twenty-year-old Artem and the wise experienced police officer - their personal ‘bifurcation point’.