简介:Learn the techniques made famous by blues greats such as: B.B. King, Chuck Berry, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Buddy Guy and many others! Additional features include: Audio & Video Jam Tracks, Lesson Libraries and 25 custom Blues licks to easily jumpstart your blues playing.Here are some of the exciting lessons you will discover:Scales,Rhythym Patterns12 Bar BluesSliding NotesHammer-On'sPull-Off'sBeginners Blues also features a bonus section of "25 Essential Blues Licks" to give you a jump start into playing blues guitar.Master blues guitar with lessons from international recording artist Charles Sedlak. Sedlak, who holds a Ph.D. in music education and teaches guitar classes between tours, walks you through the essentials of blues guitar with this step-by-step instructional program for beginners. Starting with basics such as strumming simple chords, Sedlak moves on to playing in a variety of keys, fingerpicking and other blues techniques.
简介:Learn the techniques made famous by blues greats such as: B.B. King, Chuck Berry, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Buddy Guy and many others! Additional features include: Audio & Video Jam Tracks, Lesson Libraries and 25 custom Blues licks to easily jumpstart your blues playing.Here are some of the exciting lessons you will discover:Scales,Rhythym Patterns12 Bar BluesSliding NotesHammer-On'sPull-Off'sBeginners Blues also features a bonus section of "25 Essential Blues Licks" to give you a jump start into playing blues guitar.Master blues guitar with lessons from international recording artist Charles Sedlak. Sedlak, who holds a Ph.D. in music education and teaches guitar classes between tours, walks you through the essentials of blues guitar with this step-by-step instructional program for beginners. Starting with basics such as strumming simple chords, Sedlak moves on to playing in a variety of keys, fingerpicking and other blues techniques.