简介:泰坦尼克号的沉没是历史上最重大的海事灾难,即使已经过去了将近100年,它仍让人念念难忘。如今,这部大制作的纪录影片,第一次从凶手——海水的角度,对事件进行解读。这是一次屠杀:当这艘豪华游轮沉没时,共有1,517名旅客和船员遇难。船上的每一个人都被汹涌的海水——这个狡猾而无法阻止的杀手给吓傻了。它有时悄悄潜入,有时狂吼怒号。一分钟前它还踪影全无,一分钟后却又无处不在。该片通过根据目击者回忆的动作重现,高品质视觉效果,由海水肆虐过船身时,甲板上人们听到的各种声音逐步展开。该片追随着海水,为我们再现了泰坦尼克沉没的悲壮情景。Without recourse to using fictional characters this impressive docudrama carefully reconstructs how,after hitting the ice berg,the Titanic gradually let in more and more water and,despite the best evidence of Stoker Barrett - who gave evidence at the inquiry and disappeared shortly after - and his colleagues was eventually doomed. It also recounts the testimony of survivors Elizabeth Dowdell,Jack Thayer and chairman Bruce Ismay,as well as showing the fates of Milton Long,Bertha Mayne and the Baxter family. Much of the action is based on the testimony of witnesses at the two inquiries.
简介:泰坦尼克号的沉没是历史上最重大的海事灾难,即使已经过去了将近100年,它仍让人念念难忘。如今,这部大制作的纪录影片,第一次从凶手——海水的角度,对事件进行解读。这是一次屠杀:当这艘豪华游轮沉没时,共有1,517名旅客和船员遇难。船上的每一个人都被汹涌的海水——这个狡猾而无法阻止的杀手给吓傻了。它有时悄悄潜入,有时狂吼怒号。一分钟前它还踪影全无,一分钟后却又无处不在。该片通过根据目击者回忆的动作重现,高品质视觉效果,由海水肆虐过船身时,甲板上人们听到的各种声音逐步展开。该片追随着海水,为我们再现了泰坦尼克沉没的悲壮情景。Without recourse to using fictional characters this impressive docudrama carefully reconstructs how,after hitting the ice berg,the Titanic gradually let in more and more water and,despite the best evidence of Stoker Barrett - who gave evidence at the inquiry and disappeared shortly after - and his colleagues was eventually doomed. It also recounts the testimony of survivors Elizabeth Dowdell,Jack Thayer and chairman Bruce Ismay,as well as showing the fates of Milton Long,Bertha Mayne and the Baxter family. Much of the action is based on the testimony of witnesses at the two inquiries.