简介:《生活而已3》拍摄的是男女主人公从2013年到2017年这段时间发生的故事。婚后的他们又面临着一些新的问题。大多数纪录片是以客人的视角去观察,而导演却记录了在客人离开之后,这个人、这个家庭的状态,并通过这些影像了解真实的生活状态和样貌。 This film is about life anecdotes happened to the hero and heroine from 2013 to 2017. After marriage, they encountered some new problems. Most documentaries are from the perspective of guests. I shoot the situation of the person and the family after the guests left. I want to know what life is all about through these images.
简介:《生活而已3》拍摄的是男女主人公从2013年到2017年这段时间发生的故事。婚后的他们又面临着一些新的问题。大多数纪录片是以客人的视角去观察,而导演却记录了在客人离开之后,这个人、这个家庭的状态,并通过这些影像了解真实的生活状态和样貌。 This film is about life anecdotes happened to the hero and heroine from 2013 to 2017. After marriage, they encountered some new problems. Most documentaries are from the perspective of guests. I shoot the situation of the person and the family after the guests left. I want to know what life is all about through these images.