简介:涉谷實擅長改編文學作品,影評家佐藤忠男認為這是他的代表作兼傑作。故事改編自井伏鱒二的小說,通過醫生八春先生這個人物,交織出戰後一個個掙扎求存的靈魂與肉身。八春先生這天想放假去,但病人接連登門造訪,打亂了他的如意算盤。婆婆的困惱、大兵的噩夢、女人的躁夫、男人的賭性...上門者除了有病,也帶來各自的人生苦果,家事感情事一籮籮。涉谷實輕巧跳脫的讓不同人物進出場景,彷彿用菲林來書寫一頁頁生活的感想。Dr. Minumo never gets a day off. In a bombed-out neighborhood after the war, the entire populace streams through the good doctor's office hoping he will solve their problems - physical, emotional and spiritual. Yanagi Eijiro gives a strong performance as the noble conscience at the center of these overlapping stories, embodying the idea of "healing" that a whole nation so desperately sought at this time. Adapted from stories by Ibuse Masuji (writer of Black Rain), Doctor's Day Off is equal parts funny and poignant, and is often called Shibuya's masterpiece.- SummerIFF 2007
简介:涉谷實擅長改編文學作品,影評家佐藤忠男認為這是他的代表作兼傑作。故事改編自井伏鱒二的小說,通過醫生八春先生這個人物,交織出戰後一個個掙扎求存的靈魂與肉身。八春先生這天想放假去,但病人接連登門造訪,打亂了他的如意算盤。婆婆的困惱、大兵的噩夢、女人的躁夫、男人的賭性...上門者除了有病,也帶來各自的人生苦果,家事感情事一籮籮。涉谷實輕巧跳脫的讓不同人物進出場景,彷彿用菲林來書寫一頁頁生活的感想。Dr. Minumo never gets a day off. In a bombed-out neighborhood after the war, the entire populace streams through the good doctor's office hoping he will solve their problems - physical, emotional and spiritual. Yanagi Eijiro gives a strong performance as the noble conscience at the center of these overlapping stories, embodying the idea of "healing" that a whole nation so desperately sought at this time. Adapted from stories by Ibuse Masuji (writer of Black Rain), Doctor's Day Off is equal parts funny and poignant, and is often called Shibuya's masterpiece.- SummerIFF 2007