简介:1958年, 22岁还不出名的José Mojica Marins拍摄了他自编自导自演的首部长片<冒险家的命运>, 这是一部深受当时美国好莱污式西部片影响的作品, 然而片中所采用的配乐和风景依旧是纯巴西民间乡土风格. 此片在当时并不成功, 但现在却已成为难得一见的作品, José Mojica Marins此后以"Zé do Caixão"系列而闻名, 成为巴西CULT片大师级人物.http://www2.uol.com.br/zedocaixao/index.htmAfter running away from a shoot out, the outlaw Jaime falls to the edge of a river, where he is helped by two beautiful young women. He becomes involved romantically with Dorinha, daughter of a farmer and, because of his love for her, kills her father. When escaping the arrest, Jaime has to face Xavier, a bloodthirsty outlaw who plans to avenge the father of Dorinha. Marins appears as Gregorio, a gunman of the flock of Xavier. Marins also wrote the lyrics of the ten songs of the soundtrack. In 1964, the film was relaunched with an extra dose of sex, having included a new scenes with about ten minutes in the brothel.It's almost impossible to know where to begin when describing the films of José Mojica Marins, Brazil's most famous antiestablishment filmmaker. Beginning in '59, Marins embarked on his first bit of commercial filmmaking, a western titled A Sina do Aventureiro (The Adventurer's Fate). What follows is a pretty astonishing oeuvre, films that feature scenes of necrophilia, mass murder, copious corpses rising from the grave, bestiality, genital mutilation, rape--you name the depravity, these films have it.
简介:1958年, 22岁还不出名的José Mojica Marins拍摄了他自编自导自演的首部长片<冒险家的命运>, 这是一部深受当时美国好莱污式西部片影响的作品, 然而片中所采用的配乐和风景依旧是纯巴西民间乡土风格. 此片在当时并不成功, 但现在却已成为难得一见的作品, José Mojica Marins此后以"Zé do Caixão"系列而闻名, 成为巴西CULT片大师级人物.http://www2.uol.com.br/zedocaixao/index.htmAfter running away from a shoot out, the outlaw Jaime falls to the edge of a river, where he is helped by two beautiful young women. He becomes involved romantically with Dorinha, daughter of a farmer and, because of his love for her, kills her father. When escaping the arrest, Jaime has to face Xavier, a bloodthirsty outlaw who plans to avenge the father of Dorinha. Marins appears as Gregorio, a gunman of the flock of Xavier. Marins also wrote the lyrics of the ten songs of the soundtrack. In 1964, the film was relaunched with an extra dose of sex, having included a new scenes with about ten minutes in the brothel.It's almost impossible to know where to begin when describing the films of José Mojica Marins, Brazil's most famous antiestablishment filmmaker. Beginning in '59, Marins embarked on his first bit of commercial filmmaking, a western titled A Sina do Aventureiro (The Adventurer's Fate). What follows is a pretty astonishing oeuvre, films that feature scenes of necrophilia, mass murder, copious corpses rising from the grave, bestiality, genital mutilation, rape--you name the depravity, these films have it.