简介:A surprising western movie directed by 3 Supinfocom students, Paul Jaulmes, Boris Croisé, and Guillaume Cunis, the whole on an orchestral music composed by Mael Oudin法国Supinfocom动画学院学生作品。一个牛仔"小兄弟"在荒漠,被印有M字样的手帕芳香迷倒,于是决定追随这位素未谋面的心动情人。
简介:A surprising western movie directed by 3 Supinfocom students, Paul Jaulmes, Boris Croisé, and Guillaume Cunis, the whole on an orchestral music composed by Mael Oudin法国Supinfocom动画学院学生作品。一个牛仔"小兄弟"在荒漠,被印有M字样的手帕芳香迷倒,于是决定追随这位素未谋面的心动情人。