  • 提奥和西莱斯特

  • 主演:Shannon Ashlyn Duncan Ragg
  • 状态:BD
  • 导演:Hannah,Dougherty
  • 类型:游戏
  • 简介:As Theo and Celeste play a game of 'would you still be my friend if' to test their new friendship, their hypothetical questions become reality, forcing them to confront their deepest fears and strongest yearnings.短片是由澳大利亚导演Hannah Dougherty为2018在悉尼举办的TED所作。在片中,两位主演的关系并不是恋人,但对方都是对于自己十分重要的人。此次在短片里,导演便别出心裁的让两位主演玩儿了一个游戏,为的就是逼着他们各自说出了自己内心最深的恐惧和渴望。

简介:As Theo and Celeste play a game of 'would you still be my friend if' to test their new friendship, their hypothetical questions become reality, forcing them to confront their deepest fears and strongest yearnings.短片是由澳大利亚导演Hannah Dougherty为2018在悉尼举办的TED所作。在片中,两位主演的关系并不是恋人,但对方都是对于自己十分重要的人。此次在短片里,导演便别出心裁的让两位主演玩儿了一个游戏,为的就是逼着他们各自说出了自己内心最深的恐惧和渴望。