Reinventing Elvis: The '68 Comeback
  • Reinventing Elvis: The '68 Comeback

  • 主演:DariusRucker SteveBinder Maffio
  • 状态:刺影合击传奇私服
  • 导演:约翰·席恩菲尔德,
  • 简介:ELVIS and STEVE - true buddy story highlights Binder's nexus w/ Elvis to accomplish the game changer result. The authentic, real telling of conflicts w/Col Parker to produce one of the most seminal moments in pop music history.

简介:ELVIS and STEVE - true buddy story highlights Binder's nexus w/ Elvis to accomplish the game changer result. The authentic, real telling of conflicts w/Col Parker to produce one of the most seminal moments in pop music history.