安妮特·贝宁(Annette Bening),1958年5月29日(双子座),美国女演员,生于美国堪萨斯州首府托皮卡,毕业于旧金山大学,在旧金山的康斯瓦托利剧院开始自己的演艺生涯。小学时就在学校参与出演话剧。高中毕业前一年便考入旧金山州立大学戏剧系,之后又来到美国音乐学院剧院学习并参与舞台戏剧的演出。毕业后的首部舞台剧的演出便使她获得了托尼奖提名(1987年)。之后几年,她还接拍了一些电视电影。1988年她出演了自己的第一部电影长片《夏日尖兵》(The Great Outdoors)。1990年的电影《致命赌局》(Grifters,The)充分展现了她精湛的演技,并为她赢得了第63届(1990年度)奥斯卡最佳女主角奖的提名。1999年安妮特·贝宁以在《美国丽人》(American Beauty)中的出色表现再获第72届(1999年度)奥斯卡最佳女主角奖的提名。但在评委投票中惜败于希拉里·斯旺克。2004年,沉寂数年的安妮特·贝宁凭借改编自威廉·索默赛特·毛姆小说的《情迷茱莉娅》(Being Julia)第三次获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖的提名,可是她又一次败在希拉里·斯旺克手下。所幸她获得了2004年度金球奖音乐喜剧类最佳女主角的荣誉。1991年,在出演《巴格西》(Bugsy)时,她与年长她21岁的著名影星沃伦·比蒂坠入爱河。两人于1992年3月12日结婚。现育有4个子女。
艾丽·范宁 (Elle Fanning),1998年4月9日出生于美国佐治亚州科尼尔斯市,美国女演员。2004年,因出演悬疑电影《寡居的一年》而受到关注。2007年,出演惊悚电影《冲击之路》 。2008年,首次担纲女主角,主演奇幻电影《菲比梦游奇境》。2009年,主演奇幻喜剧电影《胡桃夹子:魔境冒险》。2010年,凭借情感电影《在某处》获得第13届青少年好莱坞奖年度最佳女演员奖。2011年,主演由史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格监制的科幻电影《超级8》,凭借该片入围第38届土星奖最佳年轻演员奖。
一名朋克艺术家,也是女权主义者,她的健康状况一直不太好,但她仍然有自强不息的精神。 还一直帮助杰米理解人生的复杂关系和生活上的情感阅历。
格蕾塔·葛韦格是一位美国女演员、编剧和导演,毕业于纽约伯纳德学院。葛韦格本打算成为一名编剧,而她的演员生涯她因为和美国独立电影呢喃核运动的联系而名声鹊起。2010年的《格林伯格》让她的知名度大涨,在那之后她出演了一系列主流影片诸如《不求回报》,《亚瑟》等。2012年的《弗朗西丝·哈》让她获得金球奖提名,同年她还出演了伍迪·艾伦的《爱在罗马》。作为一名独立电影制片人,葛韦格编写并导演了女性成长电影《伯德小姐》 (2017 年) 和《小妇人》 (2019 年),这两部影片都获得了奥斯卡最佳影片奖提名。葛韦格入选《时代》杂志2018年度全球最具影响力人物100人名单。她的第三部导演作《芭比》获得了好评和票房成功,成为历史上由女性导演执导的首部最卖座的电影。
Shawkat was born in Riverside, California to Dina (née Burke) and actor Tony Shawkat. She grew up in nearby Palm Springs.[1] She has two brothers.[2] Her maternal grandfather was actor Paul Burke. She is of Kurdish descent on her father's side and Irish and Norwegian descent on her mother's side.Shawkat made her acting debut in both film and television in 1999. In that year, she played the daughter of the character Amir in the feature film Three Kings, in which her father Tony Shawkat played a member of the Iraqi Republican Guard, and appeared as a young Sarah "Mac" MacKenzie on one episode of JAG. She landed her first starring role in 2001, playing Hannah Rayburn in the television sitcom State of Grace, which aired in the United States on the cable television channel Fox Family (subsequently renamed ABC Family) until 2002.As Maeby Fünke, Shawkat was a regular cast member of Arrested Development for the entire run of the show (2003–2006).[3] The series received nearly universal positive reviews, with Shawkat's performance occasionally singled out for praise; pop-culture commentator Brian M. Palmer remarked that she was "one of the brightest lights on a show populated solely by bright lights,"[4] and Scott Weinberg of eFilmCritic described her as "one funny young lady."[5] In an interview with The A.V. Club in 2010, Shawkat remarked that many of her "formative moments" as an actress took place on the Arrested Development set: " [Show creator] Mitch Hurwitz was like a father figure to me...In a way, it was great to be around [the cast], because I feel that my understanding of comedy was able to grow really well during that time."[6] Shawkat, along with the rest of the main cast, are set to reprise their roles in the upcoming Arrested Development feature film.Since the end of Arrested Development, Shawkat has continued to act in feature films. In 2009, she played an Arab-American teen in Cherien Dabis's film Amreeka and appeared in Drew Barrymore's directorial debut Whip It alongside Ellen Page. In 2010, she appeared in The Runaways, a biographical movie about the band of the same name, playing a fictional version of the band's bassist.In 2009, Shawkat appeared in Whip It co-star Har Mar Superstar's music video for "Tall Boy", which also featured Eva Mendes and Eric Wareheim. In October 2009, it was announced that Shawkat, Har Mar, and fellow Whip It co-star Page would produce and write a show for HBO called Stitch N' Bitch.[6] According to the Hollywood Reporter, the show "follows two painfully cool hipster girls as they relocate from Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighborhood to Los Angeles' Silver Lake enclave in hopes of becoming artists – of any kind."Shawkat, along with Arrested Development co-star Mae Whitman, sang guest vocals on a number of tracks from indie-punk band Fake Problems' newest album Real Ghosts Caught on Tape.
劳拉·威金斯(Laura Wiggins),1988年8月8日出生于美国乔治亚州阿森斯,演员。2006年首次登上小银幕,她在电视电影《与众不同》里扮演了Kimberly。2008年在电影处女作《死亡之舞》里饰演了一个无名女孩。2011年开始在翻拍自同名英剧的Showtime连续剧《无耻之徒》里饰演Karen Jackson,她一直出演到本剧的第三季。2014年在恐怖电影《甘兹菲尔德困扰》里饰演了Molloy。