
  • 罪犯联盟第一季Frank

    Frank  克里斯托弗·沃肯 饰


    在母亲的影响下,克里斯托弗·沃肯和他的两个兄弟在50年代已是电视节目的儿童演员。十六岁那年,他首次登上百老汇舞台,在名导艾利亚·卡善的《JB》中担任角色。后就读于奥弗司特勒大学英文系,但未毕业。在参演话剧和电影之前,克里斯托弗·沃肯在音乐剧院接受舞蹈培训。在电视的黄金时期,克里斯托弗·沃肯最初以群众演员的身份出现在连续剧和电视娱乐节目中。参与Martin and Lewis在音乐喜剧节目The Colgate Comedy Hour的彩排之后,克里斯托弗·沃肯决定要作一名演员。1953年,他成为电视节目The Wonderful John Acton的解说员。在此期间,他被昵称为“Ronnie Walken”。从1963年起,沃肯投身于剧坛,并改成现在的艺名。他先后演出了《冬狮》、《玫瑰纹》等剧,获得了戏剧评论奖最佳男演员称号。1971年,沃肯第一次在影片《安德森的录音带》里担任配角,从此走上银幕。这位演员身材细长,头发与眉毛均淡黄色,脸上透射一种宁谧的心境。所以,一开始专演文质彬彬的青年,如《下一站是格林威治村》里的诗人。然而,在反战电影《猎鹿人》(Deer Hunter)里,他一反戏路,改饰一个被战争摧残得丧失理智的精神分裂症者——尼克。尼克原是一个豪爽的钢铁工人,来到越南战场上以后,被那里的残酷景象吓坏了,精神完全崩溃,连美国也不愿回,在西贡的赌场表演“俄罗斯轮盘赌”式自杀。这时沃肯表演的尼克,脸上没有一点血色,只有麻木不仁的表情。由于出色的表演,沃肯获得了奥斯卡奖最佳男配角。美国报刊称沃肯饰演的尼克是“受战争创伤的美国青年一代的化身”。之后,这位得奖主还拍了《天堂之门》、《黑狐大行动》、《灵异杀机》等。90年代出演的有《黑道皇帝》、《致命浪漫》、《低俗小说》、《捕鼠记》、《断头谷》等风格各异的影片,沃肯扮演的配角个性十足,表演极富魅力,令人过目难忘。进入新世纪以来,他多在好莱坞喜剧大片中担任角色,发挥幽默本领逗人开怀。

  • 罪犯联盟第一季John

    John  达伦·博伊德 饰


    Darren Boyd was born on January 30, 1971 in Hastings, East Sussex, England as Darren John Boyd. He is an actor and writer, known for 四角关系 (2005), Four…

  • 罪犯联盟第一季Gabby

    Gabby  埃莉诺·汤姆林森 饰


    Eleanor May Tomlinson was born in London, but at a young age, she moved with her family to Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, England and attended Beverley High School. She is daughter of Malcolm Tomlinson and sister of Ross Tomlinson.Tomlinson is perhaps best known for her role in The Illusionist as Young Sophie. She starred in the teenage film Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging in which she plays "Jas". Tomlinson played Kirsten in the Pro Sieben international production Hepzibah - Sie holt dich im Schlaf alongside David Bamber under the direction of Robert Sigl.Tomlinson has most recently played Eve, an alien, in 'The Mad Woman in the Attic' - episodes three and four of Season 3 of The Sarah Jane Adventures - in 2009, as well as Fiona Chataway in the film Alice in Wonderland which premièred in theatres on 5 March 2010. After an extensive search, Tomlinson was cast as Princess Isabelle in Jack the Giant Slayer, directed by Bryan Singer with a release date in 2013.

  • 罪犯联盟第一季Margaret

    Margaret  多莉·韦尔斯 饰


    Dolly Wells (born 1972) is a British comedy actress, best known for playing several characters in the Channel 4 series Star Stories alongside Kevin Bishop and for being the Head of the Marmite Love Party Fay Freely, the Marmite commercials during 2006. Her father was comic actor John Wells. She has also appeared in The IT Crowd, Peep Show and more recently as a co-star of Noel Fielding's Luxury Comedy.

  • 罪犯联盟第一季JohnSnr.

    JohnSnr.  伊恩·麦克尔希尼 饰


    Ian McElhinney is a Northern Irish actor and director best known for his roles as General Dodonna in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Val-El in Krypton, and as Ser Barristan Selmy in the HBO series, Game of Thrones.Over a career spanning more than thirty years, McElhinney has accumulated a number of credits for film and television including roles in Hornblower, Cold Feet, Queer as Folk, and The Tudors.Announced in 2010, McElhinney was confirmed in the role of Ser Barristan Selmy in the long running series, Game of Thrones. As a knight who had served in the Kingsguard for almost forty years, the character was one of the more honorable men in the seven kingdoms. Having read the books, McElhinney mentions that he was pleased with how show runners had used the character, however was disappointed with how and when he met his demise. Appearing in the first, third, fourth and fifth seasons of the show, his character served as a key instigator, until meeting his gruesome death at the hand of the Sons of the Harpy. After 25 episodes, his sudden exit marked the farewell to a kind and noble presence in the series.In recent appearances, Ian McElhinney has portrayed General Dodonna in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, a role that was initially donned by Alex McCrindle. McElhinney is set to appear as Val-El in the upcoming Superman prequel Krypton, airing 2018.