塞伦·希德于1953年2月9日出生于北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特。他是全家五个孩子中最小的一个,也是唯一的男孩儿。父亲是位医生,很希望塞伦子承父业,可惜未能如愿。塞伦的母亲莫伊尔是位业余演员,正是她的影响才使儿子选择了演员之路。在贝尔法斯特女王大学(The Queens' University Belfast)修习法律期间,塞伦中途辍学去RADA进修表演。他在格拉斯哥市民剧院开始了自己的舞台表演,在《Cinderella》中扮演一匹马的后臀。几年之后,他在几部剧作中担任了真正的主角,如《毒药与老妇》(Arsenic and Old lace )和《浮士德》(Faust)。塞伦在The Field Day Company施展自己的戏剧才华并参加了很多次世界巡演。他也曾与皇家莎士比亚公司(the Royal Shakespeare Company)合作过几部作品,包括一次世界巡演以及主演《理查德三世》。塞伦的银幕生涯开始于1981年的《黑暗时代》,这部作品名角云集,拥有利艾姆·尼森(Liam Neeson),加百利·拜恩(Gabriel Byrne)和帕特里克·斯图尔特(Patrick Stewart)等大牌明星。在大银幕发展的同时,塞伦也频频出现在电视上,塑造了诸如罗切斯特先生(1997年的《简·爱》),温特沃斯上校(1995年的《劝导》)等经典角色。也因此,塞伦被广大观众所熟知和喜爱。至于塞伦的私生活,你不会在报纸上看到有关他的任何八卦,他喜欢享受安静的生活。如我们所知,他和一位拥有法国越南血统的女演员海伦·帕特洛特(Hélène Patarot )走过了漫长的爱情路,并始终保持忠诚。他们有一个女儿,一起生活在伦敦。作为一名专业的、口碑良好的演员,塞伦一定会达到自己事业的最高峰。
Matthew Beard (born 25 March 1989) is an English film and television actor, and model. Beard was born in London, England. He was a member of the children's acting agency in Leeds. He starred in several TV adverts as a child, including adverts for Lego. He attended King Ecgbert School in Sheffield, achieving A* in 11 GCSE subjects and all As in his A-Level subjects. He attended the University of York studying English Literature. In 2007 he was seen as teenage Blake in And When Did You Last See Your Father?. His performance gained him rave reviews and saw him selected by Screen International as "A Star of Tomorrow" and a "Trailblazer" at the Edinburgh International Film Festival. He was also nominated for Best Newcomer at the British Independent Film Awards and Best Newcomer at the Evening Standard British Film Awards.