大卫·哈伯生于1975年4月10 日,是一位活跃于舞台剧,戏剧,电影的美国演员。早年通过百老汇的舞台剧崭露头角,并在2005年《灵欲春宵》的剧场版中一举夺下托尼奖(托尼奖设立于1947年被视为美国话剧和音乐剧的最高奖)。他因在netfix系列电视剧《怪奇物语》饰演的警局局长Jim Hopper的突出表现而获得2017年第69届黄金时段艾美奖剧情类的最佳男配角提名。现在他正在拍摄即将到来的超级英雄电影《地狱男爵: 血皇后崛起》。出生于美国纽约州的哈伯早年就读于阿蒙克市的Byram Hills高中,和著名电视男演员肖恩.马希尔,伊尔.波戴尔同学。1997年毕业于在闻名遐迩的私立八大常春藤联盟之一的达特茅斯学院。
Joseph David Keery (born April 24, 1992) is an American actor and musician. He is best known for his role as Steve Harrington in the American science-fiction horror TV series, Stranger Things.Joe Keery grew up in Newburyport, Massachusetts where he attended River Valley Charter School for elementary and middle school then attended Newburyport High School. He is the second of five children and grew up surrounded by sisters.[1] He began acting in high school, performing there initially at his sister's insistence. Keery went on to study at The Theatre School at DePaul University and graduated in 2014.
Gaten Matarazzo is an actor, known for Stranger Things (2016) and The Blacklist (2013).
"Finn Wolfhard was born in Vancouver, Canada, where he's a student in the 8th grade. Finn has always had a laser focus on continuously growing as an actor, all the way back from the time that he saw his first movie (thank you Sam Raimi's Spider-Man!).\r\n\r\nFollowing that pivotal life event, Finn went to work and has since gathered prime time network TV guest roles (The 100, Supernatural), independent film (Aftermath, The Resurrection), and Shakespeare (Bard on the Beach), credits. Outside of acting, Finn loves shredding the bass and guitar. During the moments Finn is not on set, in school, memorizing lines or jamming with friends, he spends his time hanging out with with his awesome family and pets."
Natalia Dyer is an American actress known primarily for her role as "Nancy Wheeler" in the Netflix science fiction drama series Stranger Things (2016). Her career began around the age of twelve in 2009, in the family comedic drama Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009) starring Miley Cyrus. It was not until her late teens, did she land her breakthrough role on Netflix's horror drama series Stranger Things (2016). On January 29, 2017 at the 23rd Screen Actors Guild Awards show, Dyer and the cast of "Stranger Things" became co-winners for "Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series". Fans can see her upcoming features including After Darkness (2018) and Mountain Rest (2018).
薇诺娜·瑞德,美国女演员,曾在美国戏剧学院修演艺课。1985年,瑞德寄出了一个试演录像带,希望能在电影《Desert Blom》里串上一角,但是不获录用。尽管如此,一位叫戴维•塞尔哲的作家和导演对她印象深刻,并让她在《美国小子》里饰演主角的朋友。之后将姓氏改为“瑞德”,做为她在片尾工作人员名单出现的名字。1987年,薇诺娜出演了影片《少女离家时》,被洛杉矶时报评为“一个值得注意的处女作”。1988年在影片《阴间大法师》中饰演了一个穿着歌德式服装的颓丧少女,获得了绝大多数的正面评价。 1989年,薇诺娜在黑色喜剧,《希德姐妹帮》中亮相。薇诺娜的经理人曾恳求她放弃演出,理由是此剧会“糟蹋了她的前途”。这部影片初次上映时在票房上遭遇挫折,但录像带在发行后却取得高销售量和出租量。尽管大家对影片中出现争议性的少年暴力事件反应冷淡,但薇诺娜的表现还是可圈可点。《华盛顿邮报》此评道“好莱坞最受曙目的天真无邪的少女……瑞德……让我们爱上她的少年凶犯角色:一个机灵,有趣, 带有一丝Bonnie Parker(美国二十世纪初声名狼藉的女罪犯)影子的女孩子。她是续《Gregory's Girl》内纯洁无辜的少女之后最可爱,最精选的年轻角色”。那年之后,她主演了《大火球》里Jerry Lee Lewis的十三岁新娘。1990年,薇诺娜在三部片子中演出,第一部是和她后来的男友,约翰尼·德普一起主演的《剪刀手爱德华》。之后,她去了意大利罗马拍弗朗西斯•科波拉的《教父III》。但她以“完全不能起床”为由辞演了此片,生病让瑞德取消了这计划。 薇诺娜的下一个角色出现在《怒海娇娃》(1990年)。薇诺娜凭片中Charlotte Flax一角,获得了金球奖最佳女配角提名。在演过多部少女片后,1991年接演吉姆·贾木许的《地球之夜》正式迈入成熟角色,而次年大导演科波拉的《惊情四百年》更将她推上票房明星的地位,自此成为好莱坞新一代的接班女星之一。长相甜美的赖德,一双水汪汪的大眼睛不知迷死多少影迷,帅哥约翰尼·德普、才子马特·达蒙都曾是她的裙下之臣。虽然被上天无限眷顾,现实中的薇诺娜却相当反叛,甚至因为盗窃而引起轩然大波,也因此严重影响了她近年在影坛的发展。这几年她重整旗鼓,以全新的心态和形象开展事业。2010年与波曼一起出演的影片《黑天鹅》,虽然在片中只是扮演配角,但薇诺娜的表现让喜爱她的影迷没有失望。
查理·希顿(Charlie Heaton),1994年2月6日出生于英国布里德灵顿,英国演员。2015年开始拍摄电影,2016年因参演《怪奇物语》(Stranger Things),饰演进入逆世界的小男孩Will的哥哥Jonathan Byers一角而备受关注。
Caleb McLaughlin (born October 13, 2001)[1] is an American actor and voice actor. He began his career on the Broadway stage as Young Simba in the musical The Lion King. He plays Lucas Sinclair in the Netflix series Stranger Things.[2] In 2017, McLaughlin appeared in the BET miniseries The New Edition Story as Ricky Bell.