Ella Hunt (born 29 April 1998) is an English actress, known for Intruders (2011), Les Misérables (2012), Robot Overlords (2014), and Anna and the Apocalypse (2017). From 2016 until 2018, she played the role of Ellie Marsden in the ITV comedy series Cold Feet. In 2017, she appeared as Emma Carr in the ITV drama series Endeavour.English actress and singer who has showcased her talents in films like the Oscar-winning 2012 musical Les Misérables. She has since been cast in films like 2014's Robot Overlords and on television shows like Cold Feet. She grew up on a farm in Exmoor, England. She gave her first live performance at the Boston Children's Opera when she was 6 years old. She sang the song "Turning" for the soundtrack to Les Misérables.
海莉·斯坦菲尔德,美国女演员,歌手。在柯恩兄弟2010年执导的改编电影《大地惊雷》中饰演“Mattie Ross”,并因此获得第83届奥斯卡金像奖最佳女配角奖提名。2016年主演青春片《成长边缘》,饰演叛逆,孤独,渴望被爱的17岁少女Nadine,获得第74届金球奖电影类-音乐/喜剧片最佳女主角提名。Hailee来自洛杉矶,是一位室内设计师和健身私人教练的女儿。她的父亲是犹太人,母亲则是有菲律宾、欧洲、非洲血统的混血儿。Hailee在Agoura Hills长大,在加州上学,但2008年后她则在家自学。 她从八岁开始演戏,在一些电视上的青少年教育视频中担任配角,而且还是美国著名零售商店K-mart的代言人。一次难得的机会让她星路明亮,奥斯卡最佳导演得主科恩兄弟的新电影《大地惊雷》看中了灵气的Hailee,并邀请她出演,她不负众望,电影上映之后赢得好评,被多个影评协会评为当年最佳女配角,也获得了演员工会奖、广播影评人协会奖的最佳女配角奖提名。她出席了在2011年1月16日的金球奖,并与新生代歌手Justin Bieber一起颁发了最佳动画的奖项。