搜索 Abdel

  • 俄羅斯裔退休女音樂家,總不喜歡她的鄰居們。直到她遇見隔壁16歲的憂鬱青年,發覺到青年出眾的音樂才華,才漸漸打開心房,與青年建立友誼……然而發生在青年身上的意外事件,卻也迅速破壞了他們得來不易的友好關係。由出演多部作品的德國女演員克莉絲蒂安娜何畢格,與薩米阿卜杜勒法塔赫共同主演。
  • 2013 年第二季「阿拉伯之星」驚爆阿拉伯世界,阿沙夫像導彈一樣把國界和仇恨都轟得粉碎。阿沙夫23 歲,第一個勝出的巴勒斯坦人,那夜,阿布阿薩(《立見天國》,30 屆;《命運在翻牆》)也在巴勒斯坦迫爆的廣場看直播,見證萬人空巷徹夜歡騰。拍好聲的翻牆故事,他夢寐以求。有現實的場景加沙及演出的居民加持,影片迫現罕見實感,故事由10 …
  • Firstly, there's Youssef, who has his identity stolen and who decides to act, even if means losing his way. Then, there's the young Syrine, who will take her first steps in the adult world. And Slim, who is perhaps not as paranoid as he appears. Finally there's this house that Youssef and his wife trie to rent. In the …
  • 故事发生在当下的马拉喀什。诺哈、蓝达,、苏凯娜和荷丽玛靠卖淫为生。她们是妓女,是用来满足欲望的物体。但是她们充满活力、有默契、自以为豪并且无拘无束。她们在生活中反对社会的暴力,这个社会一边利用她们,而一边又指责她们。
  • Eleven-year-old Tibor has only one friend: his house robot, T.I.M. When his father replaces the out-of-date robot, Tibor saves it from destruction. He sets out in search of the only one who can repair T.I.M.: the mythic robot maker Hector Sammler. During the adventurous quest through an unknown world however, T.I.M. sl…
  • Mahmoud, a petty clerk in a police station, must suddenly chose sides when a tortured prisoner asks him for help.穆罕默德是警察局的小职员,一天一名遭受虐待的囚犯来向他寻求帮助,他不得不面临两难选择。
  • 酒精的真相
    A&E doctor Javid Abdelmoneim is on a mission to find out the truth about alcohol, including why the government cut the recommended weekly limit for men by a third in January.
  • 欧美剧爱情
  • 剧情片剧情