搜索 Parsa

  • <p>  孩子眼中的世界在这部电影里美妙的展开,父母双亡的小玛丽(凯特·马伯里 Kate Maberly饰)来到苏格兰的亲戚家住了下来。这是个美丽而又有点神秘的庄园,尤其是秘密花园更是玛丽心中的一个大谜团。原来,玛丽的姨母曾经在自己这个花园的千秋上丧命,姨父便从此紧锁了花园大门。<br/>  无意中发现了钥匙的玛丽打开了花园的…
  • 爱情片爱情
  • 喜剧片
    When a large Iranian-American family gathers for the patriarch's heart transplant, a family secret is uncovered that catapults the estranged mother and daughter into an exploration of the past. Toggling between the United States and Iran over decades, mother and daughter discover they are more alike than they know.源自:f…
  • 生活在伊朗某个小乡村的12岁小女孩海亚(Ghazale Parsafar 饰)聪明善良,学习优秀。她即将迎来人生中最重要的一场考试,通过后她会得到资助继续求学,否则她的父亲将不再支付更多的学费。然而,上天似乎有意为难这个用功的女孩。考试前夜,父亲突然病倒,母亲只得抛下孩子们送丈夫进城看病。海亚和弟弟阿克巴一面匆忙打理家务,一面又要照顾尚…
  • Leo, a guy in the seventh grade gets harassed by a two years older boy in school and seeks revenge. At the same time, Ali, the father of a girl in Leo's class (who Leo has a crush on) is contacted by a opposition group from his home country that wants Ali to assassinate an important man for them. Otherwise, they'll kil…
  • 教官邢栋在一次训练中为救战友身负重伤,转业到公安局。回到家中,喜欢玩枪的儿子邢烈在他膝下博欢,温柔的妻子李菁细心照料他,但这都不能使邢栋心情轻松。他因为工作迟迟落实不了,腹部伤口未愈,丧失性机能,感到愧对妻子。第二天,他又到公安局,领导们正为国宝“夜郎御玺”被盗一案伤脑筋。正当他一筹莫展之际,一位年轻警官叫住了他……。…
  • Ali, who has quit addiction, returns to his mother house after 3 years to make up for the damage he has done and to introduce his fiancée. The family who have gathered because Ali's nephew is going abroad, show bad reactions because of Ali…
  • In a remote area in Afghanistan, stories of the lives of a young shepherdess, a bridcatcher boy and a mourning teacher are intertwined by the wounds of war which are still bleeding.
  • La scomparsa di Bruno Breguet