- 《十万个冷笑话》是一部连载于有妖气原创漫画梦工厂的国产漫画,在原作者寒舞和有妖气原创漫画梦工厂的努力下被翻拍成动画,国内知名声优山新和宝木中阳等也参与了动画的配音工作。 该由一系列吐槽短篇组成,短篇之间目前看似没关系,但关系又非常微妙,语言也十分符合网民需求,被誉为“中国版的日和”。目前已连载的篇章有葫芦娃篇、世界末日…
- 这部电影讲述了代号为死神(Reaper)的飞行员的故事,他是一名空军无人机飞行员,在南菲律宾支持一项三角洲部队特别行动任务。在任务严重出错后, 他需要在48小时内来补救已经演变成为一场疯狂的山地雨林营救行动。地面上,Sugar (苏格)和Abel(艾贝尔)中士被重新部署 任务,返回并找回他们抓获的人和资产。但是地面任务突然天翻地覆,在队伍被…
- In 1982, Wim Wenders asked 16 of his fellow directors to speak on the future of cinema, resulting in the film Room 666. Now, 40 years later, in Cannes, director Lubna Playoust asks Wim Wenders himself and a new generation of filmmakers (James Gray, Rebecca Zlotowski, Claire Denis, Olivier Assayas, Nadav Lapid, Asghar F…
- Legendary filmmaker John Waters is stepping back to the director’s chair for the first time in 18 years, for an adaptation of his 2022 novel “Liarmouth: A Feel-Bad Romance.” Waters — a pioneering independent filmmaker who catapulted to cin…
- The dancehall music scene that reverberated across Brooklyn in the 90s and its ever-present influence on a younger generation