- Mahmoud Dowlatabadi is one of the most prolific Iranian novelists. In this beautiful, poetic portrait, gracefully crafted by his filmmaker daughter Sara Dolatabadi, he reflects on his life throughout the turbulent 20th century. Meanwhile, his daughter manages to create her own images of a father who is full of luminous…
- Set in Manhattan's Lower East Side and peopled with working-class drug addicts, intelligent hookers, stable housewives, smug yuppies, and sensually deprived professionals, BAD BEHAVIOR depicts a cruel and tender world where romance and modern perversity go hand in hand.
- Axel Ranisch is one of the more idiosyncratic figures of Germany's moving image world. He jumps back and forth between educational television (masses of episodes for the wildly beloved series Löwenzahn) and unusual cinema projects like his free-floating, improv-driven film school thesis debut Dicke Mädchen (2011) or th…
- 谈到工作,杨智秀(Byeon Seo Yoon) 是她公司广告策划团队中无可争议的王牌。 她是一位才华横溢的专业人士,具有强烈的职业操守和平易近人的举止,几乎为所有遇到她的人所喜爱。 但她的人气也带来了一些意想不到的麻烦,尤其是在爱情方面。虽然可供智秀选择的男偶人选多多,她似乎无法只定情于一个人。智秀决心与她真正喜欢的人约会。 当她发现…
- A powerful new play about making a stand.Jess has a great life: a job she loves, a sharp sense of humour and a close group of friends.When austerity threatens the world she has worked hard to build, Jess makes a stand to protect those she holds most dear.Inspired by real life experiences of disabled people in the UK, A…