搜索 Bini

  • 夏尔和玛丽安娜辛苦了大半辈子,终于双双退休,于是二人决定开始梦想多年的印度之旅,并为这次激动人心的旅行做着各种准备。可是,让以为马上就可以飞往印度度假的二人没有想到的是,在准备出发的前一天小儿子维克多回到了家里,并准备在家长住下去。因为他把自己的公寓借给了非洲难民居住,而自己只能暂时回来求助于父亲。这是夏尔所不能容忍的…
  • 海伦娜是一位单身母亲,却毫无生活能力,每天靠从货摊上偷东西为生。年仅8岁的女儿菲亚终日跟随妈妈在集市上乱逛,过着饥寒交迫、漂泊不定的生活。儿童福利组织为菲亚找到一户收养人家,在他们的安排下,菲亚来到了移民西格德和南娜夫妇的家中。虽然有了稳定的住处和美味的饭食,菲亚却放心不下妈妈。她恳求魔术小丑巴斯特里克将她带回从前的世…
  • He has shared our lives for 20,000 years. Along the way, he has helped us find food, kept our livestock, protected us from our enemies, guided us in extreme conditions, and saved us from peril. Now, he comforts us, relieving loneliness and helping us cope with old age. How did dogs come about?
  • 法國流行歌手派翠西亞凱絲正準備為20歲的女兒慶生,也準備了完美的禮物——一輛新車。她甚至也請來分居的前夫。但是慶祝變成噩夢,她的女兒竟慘遭謀殺。
  • 确幸人生在经济危机的催逼下一夕倾覆,山盟海誓的爱情不再,和谐欢乐的家庭离散,原本充满希望的未来与政府的财政同步失速瓦解,崩溃失控的玛莉亚还能何去何从?相较于当代希腊电影的冷酷疏离,导演将尖锐的社会凝视架构于冲突强烈的故事之上,角色的狂乱迸散的感染力,搭配对比大胆的剪辑,寓言似地描绘出欧债危机中希腊家国与庶民的命运图景。
  • In the context of a historical 19th-century mining catastrophe, two eleven-year-old French boys of different socio-economic classes form a fast friendship unbeknownst to their families and pursue difficult destinies.
  • 羞耻(意大利版)第三季
    An italian version of the acclaimed and mingtian6.com innovative Norwegian youth series Skam, which follows a group of teenagers in their everyday life of school, love and leisure time.
  • 我娶了一家子
    Deutsche Erstausstrahlung: 03.11.1983 ZDFAngelika ‚Angi‘ Graf (Thekla Carola Wied) ist Inhaberin einer kleinen Boutique für Kinderbekleidung und lebt mit ihren drei Kindern Tanja (Julia Biedermann), Markus (Timmo Niesner) und Tom (Tarek H…
  • 罗曼诺夫王朝
    The most vivid pages of Russian history and the establishment and consolidation of Russian state power are associated with the eighteen Russian Tsars of the House of Romanov which include such historic names as Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Nicholas I and Alexanders I, II and III. The dynasty ended with the bru…