搜索 Bozo

  • 第二次世界大战爆发后,希特勒迫使南斯拉夫于1941年3月25日签署议定书,加入德意日轴心国集团。南斯拉夫军民于26日夜发动政变,推翻政府。新政权宣布同德签订的协定无效。希特勒联合意大利于4月6日黎明向南斯拉夫发动大规模进攻。13日,德军占领贝尔格莱德。国王和大臣们纷纷逃亡国外。南斯拉夫最高统帅部于4月17日宣布投降。在德国法西斯占领南…
  • A young student of Shiraz university joins Captain Soleiman on a maritime journey to China in 11th BC.
  • 辛巴达第八次历险记
    讲辛巴达要拯救世界, 需要开多道门,天神的女儿和他谈恋爱,经过了人间,地狱(阴间),天堂,他一共得到了三枚戒指,每个戒指代表一种力量,他中途还因为什么原因失忆过. 电视剧有好多集,里面有好多魔幻场景,有一个情节是进入一个镜中场景,里面有一个美女,每隔一段时间她会变得温柔或残忍,残忍的那个有一双蛇眼,且下象棋赢不了她她会把你脑袋割下来,辛…
  • 最后一次行动
  • 丛林特战队第一季
    在刚刚结束的意大利Cartoon on the Bay动画节上,来自动画片《The Jungle Bunch》的虎企鹅Maurice获得了最佳卡通形象奖。它是一只企鹅,还是一只老虎?它的孩子为什么是一条鱼?这样一个滑稽的无厘头的设计,反倒让这个角色充满了各种谜团,当然,它的产业价值也随之出现了。那就让我们一同来认识这只奇怪的虎企鹅Maurice吧!此片由法国电…
  • 人格
    Agâh, who retired from the 65-year-old judicial clerk, crosses the roads of Nevra, the only female police in the homicide office. Is it only a coincidence that Agâh and Nevra approach each other? Agâh Beyoglu, a retired judicial officer, i…
  • 小姆是一隻貓頭鷹寶寶,在一團糟的暴風雨中孵化,掉出了巢,蹣跚地踏入紅樹林。她帶著巢裡的另一顆蛋,無論如何都想找到媽媽。
  • One of the first Iranian intellectual movies that narrates the story of a cab driver who struggle with his girlfriend over the destiny of a baby who is left in his taxi.His girlfriend insist that they must keep the baby and the man want to take him to police station or nursery. In this sequence (that's my favourtie and…
  • Story follows young man Strahinja who is in love with a local beauty Radojka, but their relationship has an obstacle - her father Zivan, who considers Strahinja as nothing but a loser. To prove that he's able to take care of himself and his future bride, Strahinja agrees to take vacancy in village mill... But, mill is …