搜索 Bustos

  • 年輕時的莉莉安娜熱衷社會運動,與好友們紛紛走上街頭抗議獨裁政府的蠻橫無理,他們高調的抗爭行為很快地成為了政府的眼中釘,在遭到逮捕後,政府官員的暴力凌虐及性侵造成女孩們一生不可抹滅的痛苦記憶。三十多年後,當莉莉安娜回到故鄉烏拉圭參加兒子迪亞哥的婚禮時,面對兒子將她的過往視為「醜聞」而選擇疏遠,莉莉安娜選擇做出了一個勇敢的…
  •   The nightmarish tale of two siblings cruelly separated as kids. The youngest, Elena, is confined to the world of darkness, where she leads a miserable life. While the eldest, Facundo, remains in paradise, where he lives a peaceful life a…
  • Paucartambo
    "Paucartambo" is an observational documentary developed in the “Fiesta de la Virgen del Carmen de Paucartambo”, through a Maqta dancer and the Qollas troupe, intense encounters are portrayed that reflect the depth between the And…
  • BellasArtes
  • Nicaragua es un país con muchos recursos mineros, la mayoría sin explotar, pero lo que puede ser una oportunidad de desarrollo y enriquecimiento puede convertirse en un enemigo. El vídeo plantea que la destrucción del ambiente y serias afe…
  • The two young Swedish journalist's Erik Gandini and Tarik Saleh have worked one year with Sacrificio, a film about the events surrounding the death of Che Guevara. They have traveled the world around and met among others the man who shot Che Guevara and the former CIA agent who walks around with Che's last tobacco in h…
  • 纪录片
    Study referred to the monoculture in Central America, and especially in Nicaragua, as in family farming for the farmers is altered, along with their lives, with the arrival of the agro-industrial corporations.
  • 萨尔瓦多是一个年轻又天真的罪犯,他的生活因他的表兄安赫尔的到来发生了极大的转变。安赫尔是一个逃犯,他要寻找快速赚钱的方法和一个藏身之处。萨尔瓦多在尝试脱离他难以忍受的家庭环境未果后,只好卷入了他这位亲戚的非法交易之中。 @Diva Tequila