- Oh dear! - Poor Toad has been kidnapped. The blighter has been strung up and incarcerated in the cellars of Toad Hall, whilst an imposter has taken up residence on the Riverbank. And worse still, this scallywag has made friends with those dastardly weasels and they're hatching a plan to blow up the homes of Badger, Rat…
- 这片动画是《三个火枪手》的搞笑版,主人公是新来的火枪手艾伯特,个子很矮,头脑却很聪明,喜欢通心粉,每次打败米莱迪一伙的武器都是他特制的通心粉子弹,而且每次国王给达达尼昂他们奖励时,艾伯特都会不在场——他没有想接受这个奖。这里,米莱迪的标志不再是白蔷薇,而是一只绿鸭子……那四位知名的队员也不在严肃,笑弥漫了整个片子。