搜索 Meskhi

  • 一位医生利用职务之便,暗地将成功人士的精子卖给各种想生孩子的妇女,银行家马特维·列温就是其受害者之一。为了防止不断上门认父的“私生子”继承财产,马特维将自己的财产都转移到合伙人名下。某日合伙人突然病故,马特维被剥夺财产变得身无分文。为了夺回自己的财富,拿回放在法国分行保险库里的证明文件,这位亿万富翁将被迫抢劫他自己的银…
  • 根据第二次世界大战中的一个真实故事改编。在捷克斯洛伐克首都布拉格,爱国者及进步学生在被纳粹德国侵略者占领的几年中,利用广播电台,呼吁人们积极打击法西斯主义。《自由》广播电台每天12小时的宣传广播,极大震惊了纳粹侵略者。盖世太保派出大批人员企图抓捕这些爱国者,但每次都在普通百姓的帮助下化险为夷。
  • Vadim, a young script writer, is killed in Moscow. What's more, he had reached his height of popularity a long time ago. His friend, successful businessmen Maksim Krivoshein, begins his own investigation. Memories of their childhood and the chance discovery of Vadim's diary leads to some shocking discoveries.
  • Легкая эксцентрическая Комедия с участием замечательных актеров об особенностях национального секса в революционной России.Россия, начало 20 века. Смекалистые революционер…
  • В основу лёг рассказ польского писателя Януша Гловацкого Братья, но в фильме об этом упоминания нет, а написано, что взяты факты из газет. Всё началось с того, что на одном зав…
  • 经典的格鲁吉亚乡村儿童片,女导演Nana Mchedlidze的作品并不常见。This film tells of the relationship between children and adults. Completed the Great Patriotic War. Little Zuriko, who is 6 years old, lives with his grandmother in a small Georgian village…
  • The two friends in this story have enough trouble in their lives as it is, and yet they decide to hit neighboring Azerbaijan for cheap drugs. One turn of the road wrongly taken, and the guys are in the territory of Mountain Karabakh, a hot-spot of Armenian – Azerbaijani military conflict. Fallen prisoners of partisans,…