- 猫捉老鼠,警察抓小偷,交警罚违章,天经地义;当然,偶尔也会出些意外,比如警察3个礼拜抓不到偷了25辆名车的小偷,比如交警屡屡追不到开着改装车在公路上超速狂飙、在测速电子眼前留影的飞车族……但如果让哪个警长在自己的辖区里同时遇到这些意外,那这个警长有些抓狂、有些歇斯底里、有些见人就咬恐怕也能理解——小警察卡尔的上司现在就正…
- 1978 戛纳一种关注In the beginning of the 20th Century, in the Northeast of Brazil, one of the first Brazilian industrialists is persecuted because he refuses to sell his business to a British company.
- Love and politics were inseparable in the 80s, especially in West Germany, where friends, lovers and families would chant anti-imperialist slogans in endless protest marches. Politics, however, is the last thing on the minds of Ingo and Nadia on this winter weekend in 1983. They've come to Nadia's mountain cabin to dis…