搜索 Pandit

  •   这部引人入胜的剧集由维克拉玛·莫特瓦内执导,讲述了一名狱警决心铲除德里蒂哈尔监狱系统性问题的故事。
  • <p>  马汉(沙鲁克·罕 Shahrukh Khan 饰)是一名工作和生活在美国的印度人。常年过着和家人分离的生活,马汉感到十分寂寞,非常想念在故乡生活的乳母。某日,他决定踏上返乡的旅途,然而到达目的地后才发现物是人非,他的乳母早已经前往了一个名叫“脚印之地”的村庄。于是,马汉再度上路。<br/>  途中,马汉邂逅了名为吉特…
  • 动作片犯罪
    这部电影翻拍自大B 1973年主演的同名电影,影片以印地语和泰卢固语两种语言同时发行。主要讲述了ACP的维杰·卡纳警官与石油秘密犯罪组织斗智斗勇的故事,其中蕴含了亲情的悲离,爱情的甜蜜,还有友情的互助。柔和与硬朗的风格并行,值得一看。
  • Mamta leaves her husband, Vikas when she realizes that he has criminal associates, and thereby spare their son, Vishwas, from any bad influence. Mamta's luggage is stolen at the railway station by a mother and son team of thieves, who are subsequently run over by a train, leaving the police to conclude from the badly m…
  • Three women unite to fight a molikan.com common antagonist.
  • Tom Patel and Jerry Patel. These Patel boys are no less than real life animated characters themselves. They live together in a rented apartment in Mumbai, and have no specific jobs. Both are mostly direction-less, and their only hope in life is optimism. Tom (Shiv Pandit) owes Ranchod (Varun Badola) some money, and his…
  • Raju和Guddi是童年的朋友和邻居,他们几乎形影不离。可悲的是,他们分开后Raju的爸爸被抓后,警方追捕一个戏剧性的突破,进入和盗窃。 Guddi长大成为一个专业的舞台歌手和舞者,而拉朱长大是卡锐和一个小偷。多年以后Raju和Guddi都相见,但现在被称为Guddi斯马和Raju被称为钱德尔,他们的真实姓名,双双坠入彼此相爱,不知道他们是青梅竹马的朋…
  • A mahout has lost his elephant. A theater owner has lost her god. A god has lost his identity. A devil has lost his teeth. A constable has lost his faith. And theyve all lost their marbles. Greater Elephant is a wicked assembly of those who still havent found what theyre looking for: a purpose.
  • 警长Amit Kumar 来到比哈尔邦提斯浦尔警察局当局长。该地区是充满腐败,效率低下,受贿,从当地警方的帮助各个犯罪分子既然嚣张。Amit Kumar 逐渐意识到的当地政治家Sadhu Yadav 是一个有钱有权利的恶霸。Amit Kumar 逮捕破甲Sadhu Yadav 。破甲发布不久,Sadhu Yadav 手下的人和一些跟他有关系的贪官坐不住而和Amit Kumar 决斗。 …